Archivfoto Namibia
Archivfoto Namibia

Corona: Partnerkirche in Namibia bittet um Fürbitte

von Anna Neumann


Die Welt ist in Aufruhr. Das gilt auch für die Menschen in Namibia. Sie befürchten und durchleiden Krankheit und Tod und erhoffen und wünschen sich Gebet und Fürbitte angesichts der Corona-Pandemie.

Schulen waren zwischenzeitlich geschlossen, auch Universitäten, auch das Paulinum, die Theologische Hochschule in Windhoek. Jetzt sind sie für Prüfungen wieder geöffnet. Am 25. November sind Regionalwahlen – dass sie friedlich vonstatten gehen, auch dafür bittet die Partnerkirche ums Gebet. Wie auch für eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts mit dem Nachbarland Botswana, nachdem bei einer Schießerei vier Namibianer getötet wurden. Zu den Belastungen gehören auch frühe ungewollte Schwangerschaften und genderspezifische Gewalt. Auch im Blick auf diese Probleme bittet die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in der Republik Namibia (ELCRN) um Gebete. Der Evangelische Kirchenkreis An Sieg und Rhein hat in Namibia den Partnerkirchenkreis Tsumeb.

Prayer Request from ELCRN - Die Bitte im Original

As the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN) we request for the following prayers:


In Namibia and across all continents the whole human family is in turmoil, burdened with illness and fear and facing death and funerals of their beloved while families are mourning. During these challenging times of COVID-19 the ministry the Church and its workers are not of  being on “holidays”  but to be there as the comforters. In Matthew 21:22 we read: „Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.” We ask for prayers directed to God of life who promised to be with us, especially as we are facing COVID-19 and death among our Church members and families. We ask for prayers from our partner Churches as we are facing COVID-19 while it is spreading and many are dying and to protect us all from being infected.

School Closure and Reopening due to COVID-19 and final examinations for our learners and students across Namibia

One of the biggest effects of COVID-19 is that it has resulted in the closure of our educational institutions across Namibia. Our Primary and Secondary Schools as well as Institutions of Higher Learning such as the Universities, including Paulinum Seminary, have been closed most of the 2020 Academic Year. By God’s grace it has been reopened after assessment on the prevalence of COVID-19 and while it has significantly been reduced. Now, our learners and students are preparing for the FINAL EXAMINATIONS. We are requesting from our member Churches to carry our learners and students while preparing for such final examination that God provides and give them wisdom to pass all their respective final examinations.

Regional Councils and Local Authorities Elections

Namibia is a democratic country and its Constitution, Article 103 and 111 dictates that there shall be regional councils and local authority’s elections after five years. On 25 November 2020 such elections shall take place. We are requesting for prayers that such elections be free, fair, impartial, peaceful, and be accepted by all participating political parties and candidates.

Border Tension between Namibia and Botswana

The two southern African neighbouring countries are trying hard to maintain civilised diplomatic ties amid growing public pressure on Namibia to condemn the recent killing of four of its citizens by the Botswana army on suspicion that they were poachers.  The citizens of Namibia want their government to confront Botswana on its alleged “shoot to kill” approach of people they suspect to be poachers. The four Namibian men were killed along the Chobe River last Thursday. We request for prayers that this crisis be resolved peacefully.

Early and unintended pregnancies (EUP) and Gender Based Violence

Namibia is going through two types of crises, namely Early and unintended pregnancies (EUP) and Gender Based Violence (GBV). EUP are a public health concern as well as spiritual and moral concern among us as Christians and Christian churches. EUP is highly prevalent in Namibia and remains a huge challenge for Namibia with a pregnancy and childbearing prevalence of 19% among girls aged 15 to 19 years.

At the same time there is tremendous increase on Gender Based Violence (GBV). Since Namibia’s independence in 1990, the country has been admired both at home and abroad, as a beacon of stability, peace, and security. It is therefore regrettable that hardly a day passes without reports of murder, rape, beatings, or other forms of violence against women and girls at the hands of men. These sickening acts are taking place in all parts of the country, involving perpetrators and victims of all ages. Pray for us so that such acts of GBV be ended today.

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